Holocaust Remembrance Day Event Toolkit
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Hebrew: יום השואה or Yom HaShoah) is a day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. The Holocaust is an event that can – and should – be remembered and commemorated by everyone, regardless of background or identity. Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center developed the below guide to help those who wish to design and host their own Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorative event.
Confronting Hate Toolkit
In 2019, Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center received a 90% increase in inquiries from schools and individuals looking for support as they grapple with hate incidents. This toolkit is designed to share practical tools and resources that can be used immediately by administrators, educators, and parents who need to address hatred in their community.
Media Literacy Toolkit
The Educator’s Institute for Human Rights and the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center have curated resources to facilitate difficult discussions in the classroom around media literacy. These tools contain creative lessons and articles on media ethics, identifying propaganda, leading discussions after a crisis, and teaching controversial issues in the classroom. With these tools, teachers will be equipped to conduct meaningful and informed conversations in the classroom, promoting learning and understanding around this critically important topic.

Ways to Take Action Against Genocide (Resource Guide)
Genocide continues to challenge nations, institutions and individuals in our world today. At Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, we teach about historical and contemporary genocides, from Armenia to Syria, Rwanda to Burma, empowering today’s generation to find their voice and work towards prevention. Only then can “never again” move from promise to practice, from hope into reality.
Complex Answers to Difficult Questions:
Processing Current Events Through the Lens of History
This toolkit was created to give you guidelines on how to address some potentially difficult questions you may encounter. This document, while not exhaustive, focuses on the most commonly asked questions on the following topics: antisemitism and rising hate; war in Israel and Gaza; Holocaust denial and disinformation; and genocide. And for each question, we provide only a sampling of possible responses. We expect to be updating this document as new questions emerge.
Photo credits: Robert Kusel