Open Wed-Mon, 10 AM - 5 PM (Last Entry at 4 PM)

“Understanding & Confronting Anti-Jewish Hate” Community Series

In 2023, Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center launched a new programming initiative, Understanding & Confronting Anti-Jewish Hate. This initiative is anchored in a series of programs focused on helping the Chicagoland community identify and address antisemitism head-on.

Featuring plenary discussions with Holocaust Survivors, historians, and community, civic, and religious leaders, the series will provide audiences with a meaningful examination of contemporary issues and challenges of antisemitism, and present concrete action items in response to how we can combat acts of hatred in our neighborhoods, on college campuses, and on a global scale.


Community Partners: ADL Midwest; Evelyn R. Green AJC Chicago Regional Office; Sheerit Hapleitah; Loyola University Chicago Jewish Faculty, Staff and Allies (JFSA) Affinity Group

Supported by Carole Feiger, David P. Brody Charitable Trust, and the Wiznitzer Family.

Photo credits: Scott Edwards

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