Open Wed-Mon, 10 AM - 5 PM (Last Entry at 4 PM)

Interactive Holograms: Survivor Stories Experience

Abe & Ida Cooper Survivor Stories Experience
Ongoing Exhibition
Meet Virtual Holocaust Survivors

Imagine sitting in a theater listening to Auschwitz survivor Fritzie Fritzshall as she recounts her harrowing story of the Holocaust, in which she, as a 13-year-old, was ripped from her home and transported to the notorious concentration camp where most of her family was murdered. Imagine asking her questions about life during the Holocaust, about those Upstanders who risked their lives to save her, about her messages for our world today.

After watching a short intro film, you too will be able to ask questions to the holograms of Fritzie Fritzshall, Aaron Elster, and other Survivors in this award-winning innovative exhibition.

High-definition holographic interview recordings paired with voice recognition technology enables Survivors to tell their deeply moving personal stories and respond to questions from the audience, inviting visitors to have a personalized, one-on-one ‘conversation.’

As seen on 60 Minutes
Holographic Theater Schedule

Every hour, on the hour, with last showing at 4 pm

Allow 30-45 minutes for exploration. Survivor schedule subject to change.

March | Sam Harris

Survivor Profile

April | Eva Schloss

Survivor Profile

May | Anita Lasker Wallfisch

Learn More About Survivors:
View Survivor Profiles

Abe & Ida Cooper Survivor Stories Experience features Dimensions in Testimony, developed by USC Shoah Foundation in association with Illinois Holocaust Museum.

Photo credits: Scott Edwards, Ron Gould, Robert F. Kusel


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