Open Wed-Mon, 10 AM - 5 PM (Last Entry at 4 PM)

Online Program: From Generation to Generation: Exploring a Holocaust Survivor’s Special Relationship with his Granddaughter

January 31, 2023 | 6:30pm CDT


Join 3G Chicago, a newly formed group made up of grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, for its inaugural virtual event. As antisemitism is on the rise, sharing stories about the Holocaust and its Survivors is more important than ever. Join us for an intimate conversation with one of the Holocaust’s youngest concentration camp Survivors, Sam Harris, and his granddaughter, Jessica Kreamer, as they share a story of survival and family heritage. Moderated by Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center’s SVP of Education & Exhibitions, Kelley Szany, this event will emphasize the importance of sharing our stories and the legacy of hope, resilience, and strength.

Reservations required

Free to the public

Community Partner: CJE SeniorLife; Nancy and David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center

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